Letter One.
what the hell is this?
Stomp the chicken? Club the seal? GET A FREAKING
What do your do now, this is your first Hate Mail.
- Send
hate mail back
- Send
a letter that your sorry and will take down the page.
- Respond
that this page was created because it was your dying brothers last wish.
Letter Two.
are you just that sick and
twisted that you have to further the torture of
animals. yeah sure
it may just be a web site and it is all just a joke. the
only problem is that these
animals go through enough torture everyday that
they do not need to experience
anymore. give the animals a break. maybe you
should just think about
what it is like to be stuck in a tiny cage with ten
other chickens, to have
no room to move around and to have your beak broken
off so that you will not
fight with your cell mates. sounds fun? or just
imagine being a baby chicken(male)
and being part of the surplus so you are
thrown into a meat grinder
for slim jims. just think about how sick, cruel,
demented and inhumane your
page is.
daniel at Cicada3017@aol.com
OK, what now Captain?
- Send hate
mail back
- Send
a letter that your sorry and will take down the page.
- Respond
with a completely physco letter saying that your out to kill all small
animals and then send a heart felt intelligently written letter that makes
REAL points.
Letter Three.
While your humor may be tongue-in-cheek,
it suggests a person with a
super-low self esteem.
Why not add a stomp your
head picture -- a photo if possible so those of us
who think you're a head
case can stomp on you or fry YOU. Better still,
letus know who and where
you are so we can come stomp your ass in person.
Will even give you
the first punch, pal, cause for my part of it, I'm not
going to be sued for assault.
As the man said, make my
day -- punk. Chibob44@aol.com
OK, this guy is really asking
for something to happen.
- Send
a letter that your sorry and will take down the page.
- Send
back Hate mail to the user to write more hate mail then respond to ABUSE@AOL.COM
and report the offense and ask that his account be taken away.
Here's some others that just weren't eye catching enough to respond to. Better luck next time.
you are really sick
- LPrice2333@aol.com
Stomp the Chicken and Club
the Seal are sick, sick, sick!!!!!
- Nestewart@aol.com
And that's it folks, that's all the Hate mail that Stomp the Chicken has created. And there all AOL users.
If your a AOL user and would
like to send hatemail about this page, please respond at this address.
Thank You.